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Shakespeare and Interface Datasets

Below are datasets from the article “‘If you can command these elements’: TEI Markup as Shakespearean Interface” to be published in the forthcoming Routledge Handbook of Shakespeare and Interface, edited by Clifford Werier and Paul Budra.

Contents of the <name> element in the NVS edition of The Winter’s Tale. Download.
XPath: //name/replace(translate(normalize-space(.), 'ſ.,:;-?“”"' , 's' ),'­ ?','')

Values of the @who attribute on <sp> elements in the NVS edition of The Winter’s Tale. Download.
XPath: //sp/@who

Values of the @who attribute on <sp> elements with <name> descendants in the NVS edition of The Winter’s Tale. Download.
XPath: //sp[descendant::name]/@who

Values of the @who attribute on <sp> elements in the full corpus of Shakespeare Quartos.  (Note that one file uses the identifier “den” for Claudius.) Download.
XPath: //text//sp/@who

Values of the @who attribute on <sp> elements with <name> descendants in the full corpus of Shakespeare Quartos. Download.
XPath: //text//sp[descendant::name]/@who

Values of the @ref attribute on <name> elements in the full corpus of Shakespeare Quartos. Download.
XPath: //text//name/@ref

Contents of the <pc> element in the full Folger Shakespeare corpus.
XPath (in combination with XQuery selection based on character gender metadata): //pc
Female counts. Download.
Male counts. Download.

Contents of the <pc> element in the full Folger Shakespeare corpus, broken down by play. Download.
XPath: //pc/concat(.,' ', tokenize(base-uri(.), '/')[last()])

Summary punctuation counts by character, omitting general and collective characters like servants, fairies, spirits, and sailors.
XPath: //sp[@who="#character_id"]//pc
The Tempest counts. Download.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream counts. Download.
Othello counts. Download

Values of the @type attribute on <del> elements in the full corpus of Shakespeare Quartos (minor encoding errors corrected). Download.
XPath: //text//del/@type

Substitution taxonomy categorizing the differences between additions and deletions in the full corpus of Shakespeare Quartos. Download.
